What is XXXXTH?
XXXXTH (common name: FOX) is a Japanese digital apparel brand.
Artists and digital designers combine technology and creativity, providing opportunities to not only purchase wearable art as NFT but also use it.
For details, please check the ABOUT section below.
What technology does XXXXTH use?
Currently, our products are sold via platforms such as the NFT platform . Please check the relevant platform at the time of purchase for the Terms of Use and other details.
How do I get started?
Step 1: Acquire a MetaMask cryptographic wallet.
Step 2: Click on the “Connect to MetaMask” button in the top right area of the page. This is simply the approval procedure and is therefore free of charge.
Step 3: Check that there is sufficient Ether (ETH) in the Ethereum wallet.
You are now ready to purchase wearable art on OPENSEA.
For details, please check the “HOW to BUY” section.
How so I purchase digital data?
From our Products Page, transition to the relevant product page on OPENSEA. Click on the “Buy now” button on the OPENSEA page to purchase the product using the wallet interface to approve the transaction. Depending on the product, there are two sales methods: auction and fixed price. Please check both or the product page and the OPENSEA page very carefully before making your purchase.
For details, please check the “HOW to BUY” section.
What is “NFT”?
A Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is a digitally saved unit of data called a “block chain”. Because each of these digitals assets is unique, their non-interchangeability is proven. NFTs can be used to display items such as photographs, videos, audio sound, and other types of digital files.
What is “Ethereum”?
Ethereum is a distributed open-source block chain that provides a smart contract function and is the most actively used block chain. Ether (ETH) is the platform’s native cryptocurrency.
What is “Gas Price”?
The “gas price” is the amount that users pay to cover the digital energy required for processing and verifying transactions within Ethereum block chains. The “gas limit” indicates the maximum amount of gas (or energy) that the user is willing to consume on a certain transaction.
How can I work with XXXXTH?
We aim to carry out distributed production and create new business in partnership with individual creators, and so we are looking forward to meeting you.
Please check theABOUT section below and contact us.